PDGM integrated software
The Patient-Driven Grouping Model (PDGM) took effect on January 1, 2020, from the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The new Medicare payment methodology for home health agencies would significantly impact Home Health’s operations and billing processes. This new payment system has quickly replaced the Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS), which was adopted by caregivers for over 20 years and has become a requirement in no time. The nurses and health care providers would now be paid in 30-day payment periods rather than 60-day payment periods. “Redesigning the home health payment system encourages value over volume and removes incentives to provide unnecessary care,” says CMS Administrator Seema Verma. “This home health final rule mainly focuses on patient needs and not on the volume of care.”

Patient Driven Groupings Model
The main objective for CMS to introduce this model was to focus on value-driven therapy rather than time-driven therapy and to reduce unnecessary therapy given to the patients. This would be achieved by monitoring the patient’s characteristics rather than the number of times the patient attended therapy. In simple terms, through PDGM, the recovery of the patients will be monitored, and the billing process will take place accordingly.
ODHC is a Patient-Driven Grouping Model (PDGM) compliance.
On-Demand Homecare’s PDGM Easy Patient Management software will help agencies by breaking down the patient documentation process as now the process needs to be filed in the 30-day payment period. Being PDGM compliance, On-Demand Homecare helps you to succeed in this erratic environment. Efficient workflow ensures speedy reimbursement while the Zero charge Training & Support avoids business slowdown.
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